Borough Of
Jefferson Hills
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
exit Borough of Jefferson Hills

In this section, you will find the Borough's forms and permits. After printing the document you need, fill it out and return it to the Borough. If you have any questions, feel free to call the Borough Administrative office at 412-655-7735.
Projects That Require a Building Permit and/or Zoning Approval 
Sheds - Over 300 ft. require a Building Permit and zoning approval; otherwise all sheds (regardless of size) need zoning approval. 
Pools - Above and in-ground pools need Building Permit and zoning approval 
Fences - All fences require zoning approval and compliance with fence Ordinance #902.9
Walls - Require a Building Permit if they are over 4 ft. high 
Signs - Building Permit and zoning approval required 
New Homes - Building Permit and zoning approval required 
Additions - Building Permit and zoning approval required 
Siding - No Building Permit required
Windows - Building Permit required if changing the size of a window. Simple replacement does not require a permit) 
Remodeling - Building Permit required If remodeling involves structural changes or changes to the means of egress for residential projects 
Commercial Remodeling - Building Permit required 
Decks - Building Permit and zoning approval required 
Porches - Porch roofs require a Building Permit and zoning approal 
Steps - Building Permit is required if steps are over 30 in. above finished grade 
Garages - Building Permit and zoning approval required if the garage is over 300 sq. ft. If the garage is under 300 sq. ft. zoning approval only is required 
Soffit and Fascia - No Building Permit required
Playhouses and Gazebos -  If under 300 sq. ft. need zoning approval only.
Roofs - No Building permit is required if only changing shingles. If rafters or trusses are replaced, building permit is required.
Building Permits

Building permits are required for any project which results in a change of lot coverage for any structure or which changes the structural integrity of a structure. Special conditions must be met if a building permit is sought for a project within the flood plain. Flood plain maps are available at the Borough office.

 The applicant will need the following when applying for a building permit:

· Application
· Certificate of Insurance for Worker’s Comp (If someone other than the homeowner is doing the work)
· Plot plan of the property showing where the pool, shed, fence, deck, etc. will be
· Drawings for what they are doing (If applicable). If new construction, two stamped copies are needed.

Grading Permit

A grading permit is required when a proposed project will disturb the natural terrain, alter the flow of storm water, involve more than 1,000 cubic feet, or involve filing greater than four feet. In certain cases, an erosion and sedimentation plan may also be required.

Depending on the size of the disturbance different permits and requirements must be met. For work disturbing under 5,000 square feet a minor grading permit is required. Work over 5,000 square feet requires a major grading permit.

Demolition Permit

This permit is required if a structure, or portion of a structure, is to be removed from a site within the Borough.

Sign Permit

Permits are required of any business erecting signage within the Borough. Signage is not permitted in certain zoning districts.

Street Opening Permit

Prior to any work being done on a Borough-owned and maintained street or alley, you must apply for and obtain a Street Opening Permit from the Borough Building Inspection Office.

Use of Borough Recreational Facilities Permit 

This permit is required prior to the use of the Borough's Recreational facilities

Borough of Jefferson Hills

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Official Website of Jefferson Hills • 925 Old Clairton Road, Jefferson Hills PA 15025 • (412) 655-7735