Borough Of
Jefferson Hills
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
exit Borough of Jefferson Hills
Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Program


Municipalities throughout the country are under a federal mandate requiring a stormwater management program for reducing pollution impacts from stormwater runoff. The goal of the MS4 program is to prevent stormwater pollution from entering nearby waterbodies. In 2003, the Borough of Jefferson Hills was issued a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit through the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP) and the Environmental Protection Agency. Implemented through the Clean Water Act, the permit’s numerous requirements are through six Minimum Control Measures (MCMs). Progress on the six MCMs is assessed primarily through MS4 Annual Reports submitted each fall to the PADEP. These six MCMs consist of the following:

  • MCM #1 Public Education and Outreach Program
    • Educate the public on stormwater pollution and prevention through various distribution methods.
  • MCM #2 Public Involvement and Participation
    • Promote environmentally friendly activities for public participation.
  • MCM #3 Illicit Discharge, Detection and Elimination
    • Develop, implement, and enforce a program to detect and eliminate illicit non-stormwater discharges and include prohibition of illicit discharges in the stormwater management ordinance.
  • MCM #4 Construction Site Stormwater Runoff Control
    • Reduce stormwater pollution from construction sites within the Borough.
  • MCM #5 Post Construction Stormwater Management
    • Encourage low impact development in construction projects and enact and enforce a stormwater management ordinance for post-construction stormwater management. 
  • MCM #6 Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping  
    • Educate and train municipal staff to prevent and reduce stormwater pollution from municipal buildings and operations.

As a Resident, How Can You Help?
Being informed on stormwater management is a great way to help the Borough meet regulatory compliance for its permit. Reading through the articles below can provide valuable knowledge on stormwater. By being an informed citizen, you can help mitigate or stop the harmful effects of stormwater pollution. Getting involved at environmental events (stream cleanups, recycling, composting, etc.) and reporting stormwater pollution to the Borough are ways that you can improve stormwater management within Jefferson Hills.

Pollutant Reduction Plan (PRP)
As part of the Borough of Jefferson Hill’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit that was reissued by PADEP in March 2018, the Borough is required to prepare and implement a Pollutant Reduction Plan (PRP). In September 2017 and revised in March 2021, the Borough prepared and submitted to DEP the PRP plan for the Fallen Timber Run – Monongahela River watershed. The goal of the PRP is to reduce pollution caused by sediment and/or nutrients in impaired streams by constructing stormwater management projects   that provide water quality benefits. Such projects include stream restoration, rain gardens, in-line water treatment systems, inlet filters, etc. The Borough has until March 15, 2023 to reduce sediment runoff by 10%.  The Borough is currently working towards this goal by constructing a stream restoration project in Lobbs Run.

Stormwater Educational Information
  1. Videos
    1. What is an MS4
    2. Stormwater Basics
    3. Where Does the Stormwater Go?
    4. EPA: The Scoop on Stormwater
    5. Managing Stormwater Runoff
    6. Where Does Stormwater Go?
    7. Green Infrastructure
  2. At-Home Educational Activities and Games
    1.  Build Your Own Rain Barrel
    2.  Stormwater Walk
    3.  EPA WaterSense Game
  3. Worksheets and Coloring Books
    1. Coloring Activity
    2. Activity Worksheet
    3. Dwayne the Storm Drain Coloring Book
    4. EPA Activity Sheets for Kids
    5. Resources for Educators
    6. Tip of the Mitt Watershed Council Worksheets for Kids
External Links
  1. PADEP
  2. EPA
  3. 3RWW
  4. Allegheny CleanWays
Borough of Jefferson Hills

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Official Website of Jefferson Hills • 925 Old Clairton Road, Jefferson Hills PA 15025 • (412) 655-7735