Borough Of
Jefferson Hills
Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
exit Borough of Jefferson Hills
Jefferson Hills Alerts Logo

What is Jefferson Hills Alerts?

Jefferson Hills Alerts is the new official alert notification system for the Borough of Jefferson Hills. This robust system plays a pivotal role in swiftly distributing critical emergency information, essential public safety messages, and vital information. Seamlessly utilizing voice messages, text messages, emails, and social media, this platform ensures that residents and businesses are in the loop when it matters most. Opting in to these alerts will help keep you and your family safe, connected, and well-informed, receiving communications about emergency situations, major traffic advisories, and natural disaster alerts. 
How Do I Get Notified?

Aside from phone call, text message, and email, you can be notified via the Smart911 app:

Borough of Jefferson Hills

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Official Website of Jefferson Hills • 925 Old Clairton Road, Jefferson Hills PA 15025 • (412) 655-7735